About the NW Naturalist

Kirsten Croswell is the independent digital artist and educator behind the NW Naturalist’s Notebook. To learn more about her digital art, check out fernheartdesigns.com

I have always been a naturalist, though I may not have always used that word to describe myself. With a strong sense of curiosity about the world and a desire to learn more about it, I have had a keen interest in geology, ecology, and more from childhood. These interests led me to degrees in Science and Education and eventually to the middle school classroom, though today I prefer bringing learning beyond four walls.

My passion is helping learners of all ages discover their own curiosity and explore the natural world around them in accessible ways. Nature does not always mean taking a trip to a faraway place – it can be found in our backyards, along the sides of streets and sidewalks, and dancing in the waters and winds that move around us. I am fortunate to be surrounded by several beloved nature nooks, including parks and wetlands, which I regularly describe in my journal.

To capture my learning and experiences outdoors, I have become an avid nature journaler. Connecting with this community has helped me realize the benefits of spending more time outside, being more present, and sharing what I am learning. It has also provided me the opportunity to participate in citizen science projects, like local beaver and amphibian surveys, and to lead nature journal workshops in partnership with local non-profits. Additionally, I am a Certified Interpretive Guide and currently pursuing certification as a Oregon Naturalist to lead additional programs.

On any given day, you can most often find me outside, exploring a local trail or wetland with my nature journal kit and camera in tow. On particularly rainy days, you may find me indoors enjoying a good book or adding colored pencil or watercolor to my nature journal pages.

Stay tuned for future updates on my blog and other social media platforms!

Classes & Workshops
January 2024 – Introduction to Nature Journaling – cohosted with The Wetlands Conservancy and BARK for Mt Hood

March 2024 – Banners, Icons, and Birds – Bringing your Sketchnoting practice outdoors with Nature Journaling – sponsored by Sketchnote School

April 2024 – Nature Journaling in Your Neighborhood – The Nature Journal Show with Marley Peifer